Monday, February 4, 2013

Minion Monday

Our cribs came last week. I got home from running errands, and there were four huge boxes waiting for me on our front porch. I think I screamed out loud! They are white, sleigh bed style, and convert to toddler beds down the line. My sweet hubby already put them together, so our nursery is one step closer to being ready to welcome Noelle and Keegan home.

Let's see.... what else?

Last night we went to a SuperBowl party at our friends Amy & Eric's. They live in the 'north suburbs' where Justin and I will probably move next if we stay in Dallas, and have a beautiful, colorful home. Our other friends, Bonnie & Tyler, and their sweet baby boy, Carter, were also there. Let's just say that little chunk 6 month old never left my hip. (Or, whats left of my hip these days anyways...) It's actually really hard to hold a baby when you have a baby bump.

One of the babies had the hiccups this morning - and it was such a weird feeling! They move pretty non-stop, but are quickly running out of room. What used to feel like little jabs from their hands and feet are now more 'rolling' motions as they twist around. I find myself staring at my stomach multiple times a day watching it move around under my shirt. It's pretty bizarre.

No lie, I have about 15 baby books. I've skimmed all of them, but have only read a couple. Most of them are about 'during pregnancy,' and I found they gave me anxiety. They all talk about potential problems, things that COULD go wrong, and all of the scary preggo stuff. I'm not really into hearing about all of that. The only books we have about 'after pregnancy' are Babywise and Bringing up Bebe. Both have similar concepts... get baby on a schedule as soon as possible, and don't get up to hold them every time they make a peep. I'll probably read those two in depth this month - and then we are taking a Multiples class at our hospital in March. Besides that, I guess we will figure it all out when they get here!

On that note, that's about all I got this morning. Here is a crummy iphone pic I took yesterday afternoon before the Superbowl. 27w1d (and 10 weeks to go!!!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

keep cookin babies!