Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Update: Our Oil Journey

I catch myself getting SUPER excited when I see a new, pretty graphic showcasing how to use essential oils. And, I am quick to pop it up on Instagram and Facebook. (The one above is mine, by the way. And super pretty, yea?) But I realized it’s been awhile since I wrote a very personal recap on how my family uses essential oils every day. In just a few short months, we have incorporated oils into nearly every facet of life. I love educating myself about the oils, and still have SO much to learn. I also love when friends and family approach me with questions on certain oils or conditions. It allows me to do research and build my arsenal of oil information. In the past, if I had a headache, I reached for Tylenol. No second thought. Because it’s all I knew to use. Now, I reach for Peppermint Oil. I like that I have a choice! Yippee!

On the babies:
Thieves Essential Oil is still our go-to for Keegan & Noelle. I rub a drop ‘neat’ (non diluted) on the bottoms of their feet before and after school. We also diffuse this more often than most oils. This blend has been shown to not only kill bacteria and prevent infections, but it has also been used to sanitize homes and kill mold. Diffusing it within your home can kill airborne pathogens; so you can bet this will be our favorite oil for a long, long time. The history of Thieves dates back to the Bubonic Plague. Thieves stealing from the deceased would wear this mixture of oils which prevented them from contracting the disease. Tale says, when the thieves were captured, their sentence was lessened because they shared their oil secrets with the government. You can read the whole story here.
Peace & Calming Essential Oil is another favorite. We do baths every other night, and the babies LOVE bath time. Our baths are post dinner, and right before bed. So I usually put 1-2 drops of P&C in their bath water. The aroma is pleasantly strong, and I love how it can absorb in their skin topically and aromatically at the same time. Peace & Calming is soothing, and promotes restful sleep.

On Justin:
Justin loves to play basketball, but has always struggled with knee problems. With a few surgeries under his belt, his knees act up quite often. We’ve started using Panaway Essential Oil on the tops and backs of his knees. He likes how quickly it works and how you get that ‘tingly, cold’ feeling similar to Icy Hot.

My husband also is very health-conscious, which I love about him. He drinks tons of water every day, and keeps hydrated. He’s started using Lemon and Lime Essential Oils in his water bottle. Lemon is a natural detox, and lime is so energizing! Remember, when drinking EOs in water, you should use a glass bottle or cup. The oils can break down plastics, releasing toxic material into your water. Yuck!
Oh, and a drop of lime in his Bacardi and coke… he loves that. J
On me:
I am the Oily Mama in our household. Here are a few very personal ways I use essential oils.
I have an autoimmune disease, ulcerative colitis. Although I treat my condition with a pretty potent injectable medication, my hope is to continue to supplement with oils until I can wean off that medicine. I am a firm believer that our God is the ultimate healer, and He has put essential oils into my life as a healing tool. All good and great things come from Him!
I did a zyto scan about a month ago, and discovered that a big chunk of my markers that were out of whack could be brought into normal range with Mineral Essence. If you have a mineral deficiency, your body does not absorb the vitamins it needs to thrive. And, without vitamins, your body is not performing at its prime. With UC, my gut does not absorb vitamins and minerals effectively, so by using Mineral Essence, I am giving it an extra dose to promote a healthy level in my body.
Peppermint is my go-to for stomach pains and irritability. To relieve symptoms of UC, I put a drop under my tongue, or rub a drop directly onto my stomach so it’s absorbed topically. In the past, I’d take supplements that took a long time to work, Peppermint works much quicker than anything I’ve tried.
Joy! Goodness, I love Joy Essential Oil. During pregnancy and post-partum, I really struggled with anxiety. Wearing Joy in a diffusing necklace helps bring me a sense of calmness and peace. I have been able to completely stop using a prescription medication for anxiety, which is huge for me. I diffuse this in my office, too!
Purification. First, have you ever had a jellyfish sting? They hurt. Really bad. Luckily, I had Purification with me in Costa Rica and I immediately put Purification on my leg. By the evening, the (bad!) sting was completely gone and all I had were a few light pink marks. I also dab purification on mosquito bites. UGH, can we just all agree on how much we hate mosquitos?!
I love helping friends get started with essential oils. Every oil opens up a world of opportunity for my family. It gives me a choice, and that’s the very best feeling. 
By joining Young Living as a wholesale member through the purchase of a starter kit, you join an amazing team: The Pretty Oil. We are a group of women who love educating others on oils, wellness and lifestyle through essential oils. Your investment in the premium starter kit gives you a YL membership, 11 essential oils, the home diffuser, and access to our Pretty Oil resources. YL oils are amazing enough, but joining this team is simply wonderful.
Don't let the term wholesale member throw you off. Think of it as purchasing a membership to Sam's Club. Once you are a member, you can purchase oils whenever your family needs them. There is no requirement to purchase monthly OR sell oils.
Any questions? Email me at lee.erikad@gmail.com
Make sure you are following @theprettyoil and @lee_erika on Instragram!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Keegan & Noelle: 14 months


Nicknames: Bug, Squish
Teeth: 5 with 1 more coming in
Favorite things: Laughing. Dancing. Playing chase/peek-a-boo around the couch. Giving kisses. Bubble baths. His daddy. Running.

What's new in his world?

When you ask where's the bird? He says 'BER' and points outside.
When you say give me a kiss, he opens his mouth HUGE to give a kiss.
Claps super fast as soon as he hears someone say "Yay!" Right on cue.
Waves hi and bye when asked.
When you ask him what a cow says, he goes mmmmmm, and ocassionally you get the 'oo' at the end.
Tries and does pretty well with 2-3 piece puzzles.
If he sees me or Justin eating, anything, he will walk right over and say more. more. He can also sign more.
He knows, and doesn't choose to listen well to, 'On your bottom!' during bath time.

Words: Ball, Mama, Dada, Bird, More (as in food), Book, Milk (more like Meh)
Sleeping: 7 pm - 7 am, a morning nap around 10:30 AM, and short/intermittent late afternoon naps
Favorite foods: Mandarin oranges, chicken nuggets, popsicles, sweet peas, turkey hot dogs, cheese, watermelon
Drinks: Milk and water out of a sippy cup and does great with a straw


Nicknames: Noelley, Princess Pie
Teeth: 6 with 2 more coming in
Favorite things: Me... :) ... Her baby dolls. Any small toy she can grasp in one hand. Walking, yay! Bubble baths. Giving hugs and kisses. Laila. Reading books. When she gets applause after doing something.

What's new in her world?

When you ask her where's your baby? She goes and gets a specific baby doll. And if she can't find it she gets her 'Noelley face' on. Then will find another baby-type toy.
When you ask her where's the bird, she looks outside and sometimes tries to say bird.
Claps as soon as you say YAY!
Waves hi and bye. Everday day now she sees a big fish tank at school and immediately waves at the fish. She also waves at dogs.
She is walking. Steadily and cautiously, but walking longer distances now.
Is very animated; will point things out if you ask her where's daddy, keegan, milk
She loves to try to stand during baths, but is very good at sitting right away when told 'on your bottom.'

Words: Ma, Dada, Book, Ball, Bebe, Milk (meh)
Sleeping: 7 pm - 7 am with a morning nap around 10:30 and an afternoon nap around 3 pm.
Favorite foods: Watermelon, chicken nuggets, beans, any type of fruit, cheese, turkey hot dogs, crackers, craisins
Drinks: Milk and water out of a sippy cup and does well with a straw.

This age is fun. Like, really fun. I can see their minds just going and going as they are really exploring and learning. I'm constantly amazed when I see them pick up a new skill or master a milestone. I love them  and their daddy to the moon and back!


Sunday, June 1, 2014


Bringing your new baby home from the hospital, whether you were blessed with one or two, is a unique, personal experience. Suddenly, you find that your well-being is entirely dependent on the well-being of another little person. No matter how many ‘hands on deck’ you have offering assistance and advice, every decision comes back to you. How to feed, clothe, change, soothe and nurture – all comes back to what you feel is best for your child. And that can be a very emotional. You find yourself racking your brain to remember the countless bits of information you absorbed over the past 9 months. And although you can remember specifically what not to do, it’s the what ‘to do’ that has you stumped. I get it, I’ve been there.

But here is something that has been engraved on my heart:

“If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any.”
The first congested little chest, cough, runny nose, bump on the head, fever, and scraped knee will all cross your path as a mommy. And when it happens, you may find yourself jumping back to the books, blogs, and friends who have provided such strong support throughout your journey. Your best friend might swear by OTC Gripe Water. And another by peppermint essential oil. Your pediatrician may offer you a decongestant prescription, when you just know you read something about steamed showers and eucalyptus offering relief. You may vaccinate your children, while a mom in your Mom’s group is constantly sharing articles of why she does not.
Let me tell you, because you have read and researched, questioned friends and family, spoken to pediatricians and prayed, you will be equipped with everything you need to know. Because you know what your options are, you can make a choice.
That’s really the most important thing - the knowledge, courage and ability to choose what's best for your family.