Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's so much easier when SeaFoam Green is in fashion.

Flowers are blooming outside AND inside our house.

  Laila's spot. Green, green curtains and nook.

Vintage suitcases from RoundTop. How perfect is that color?

A work-in-progress baby blanket. Baby recipient TBD :)
And, a french knot heart added to a TOMS bag to hold my yarn.

Target Sock Monkey for Lai Pup. She carries it from room to room and uses it as a pillow.
Again, seafoam green.

Something about that cheery color green just puts a smile on my face.
Anything to combat the exhaustion of early morning conference calls to Dubai. sigh.
Is it nap time?

1 comment:

Marci @ a smile a day said...

I am seriously LOVING all of the colors this spring ohh eeemmmm geeee. Love your new purchase :) and I want a blanket! even though I am not a baby hehe LOVE YOU!