Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Months!

Noelle and Keegan are 5 months old! WHAT one earth.
This has been a hard month for us. No sugar-coating it! They are awake much more, but still can't really entertain themselves. So they get fussy more easily, and fight sleep. They are also at such a fun age because they laugh and play. That makes the hard days a little better. :)

N + K turned 5 months on September 12th. This month they attended their first two birthday parties - one for their little friend Emma and the other for their cousin Connor. I can't believe baby C is 4 years old. Wow! He had an awesome birthday with a gigantic slide and lots of little friends. We took a trip to Houston, had our Aunt Jenn and Uncle Jack up to visit, and had a visit from Grandpa and Netta. October is going to bring even more visits from family and lots of fall fun! Bring on the cool weather.

What's new?

Noelle is a rolly polly. The second you lay her on her back, she flips to her belly. And she is so proud of herself! She still has acid reflux pretty seriously, but we are on a new medicine that I really hope works for her. I just feel so bad. She gets hungry but you can tell she just doesn't feel good after she drinks her bottle. We tried similac for spit-up, but didn't notice too much of a difference so we switched her back to similac sensitive which she has been on for awhile. Noelle also has a clogged tear duct that flairs up. Some days it is fine and other days her little eye is so red. The doctor won't do anything for it for a few months because its a procedure to unclog. Noelle loves her little blocks, fish bowl, sophie the giraffe, and anything she can hold on to really tight. She has THE longest fingers and loves playing with them (and sucking on them!) No pacis for this girl, but she is sort of getting the thumb thing down. She is in 6 month clothes, and sometimes 3-6 months depending on the brand. She is so, so long - so a lot of clothes that would fit her are too short in the body. Sweet girl is also growing some hair! I think her helmet is helping haha! Speaking of helmets, at her appt this week the doctor said she has already made a huge improvement and hopefully only needs it for a few more weeks. Noelle has quite a few nicknames, but mostly goes by Pie, Pumpkin Pie, The Girl, Girlie Pop, and Noelley Belle. Her smile and laugh is adorable and she throws her head back when she laughs hard. She loves when her dad makes faces at her and her personality is really coming to light.

Keegan. Keegan Lee, Keegs, Munka, Chunka Munk - these are the names for the boy. He is so dang funny. And huge. Our little 4 lber is now a chunk at 17ish pounds. He's got the extra chins to prove it. Keegan is in 6 month clothes, but has sported a few 12 month outfits! I know. His skull onesie for Connor's birthday was 12 months, and he wore a polo that was 12 months too. A little big, but not drastically. Keegan loves his door bouncer (I mean LOVES), knocking over his fishbowl and laughing, stroller rides, car rides, flying in the air with dad, and his excersaucer. His legs are getting a major work out from bouncing & bouncing each day. His laugh is contagious, and he is smiley pretty much all day. Until he gets hungry. But kid is so laid back. No pacis for Keegan either, but he also likes chewing his hands. Keegan is a better sleeper than Noelle. Once he goes down at night he rolls right over and goes to sleep. There are days he sleeps past 8 am and I have to wake the kiddo up!

October is going to bring FUN stuff for this fam! Visits to the pumpkin patch, play dates with friends, visits from family, sweaters & cardigans, and more exciting milestones to look forward to every day.

These kids may have upped my coffee intake, but I wouldn't have it any other way. How blessed are we to have two sweet faces looking at us full of love every day?

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