Well, somehow in there we missed the 10 month update. #momfail
Actually, not a mom fail, more like #twinmomreallife
And, I am only a couple days late for their 11 month update. #momwin
Excuse me if there are typos, I am trying to focus on the screen through teary, blurry eyes. My babies are almost 1 year old toddlers. Babies, no more. The longest, hardest, most rewarding, year of our lives is about to end. I am deep in party-planning mode for their first birthday bash in a few short weeks, and soaking up the calm moments (which are few and far between these days).
Let's get right to it....
Keegan. Keegan Lee. Munka.
Weight: No doc appt, but I think about 21 pounds
Teeth: 4
Words: Da-da, ma-ma, La La (Laila) - waves buy- bye, shakes his head no
This month Keegan developed this funny, squinchy face when he gets mad. He wrinkles up his nose, frowns and goes ehhhhhhh. Then he pauses and waits for your reaction. Most of the time we laugh because its the fakest pouting ever. Kiddo is on the move. He has mastered the art of crawling, speed crawling is more like it, will stand by himself, and races along furniture. He'll wake holding our hands, but isn't brave enough to let go just yet. He loves pushing things across the floor - cars, plates, tupperware, you name it. He babbles non-stop and still thinks the world is hilarious. Keegan is a genuinely happy kid and only gets worked up when he is tired and hungry. He absolutely loves Laila pup. He yells LA LA any time he sees her and loves trying to pet her. This month has been fun because the babies will play for a long time by themselves, and its so fun to wonder what is going through their heads. Keegan loves to eat, and is a terrific sleeper. So, so blessed that since 6 months they have slept 7-7 consistently. When you lay Keegan down in his crib, most of the time he squishes his arms under his belly, sticks his booty up in the air, and he's on his way out without a peep.
Noelle. Noelley-bell, Pie face, Toofy girl, Princess pie.
Weight: 19 or 20 pounds
Teeth: 7
Words: Da-da, ma - waves by holding one hand up in the air, shakes her head no
Noelle has become such a well-natured little sweet pea. She wasn't necessary the easiest baby.... but she gets more and more fun, funny and happy as the months go by. Noelle has these funny 'quirks' about her. Like the way she flicks her little hands and gets so excited. Especially when she sees Laila. She gets so excited she almost cries - its adorable. Noelle is also a speed crawler, and will pull up to stand when holding onto something. She is not interested in walking just yet, but she will take steps behind a walker toy. She loooooves when music is on so she can dance. Actually, they both do, and they will stop whatever they are doing if a song comes on the radio or TV so they can rock back and forth. Noelle has a mouth full of teeth, and sometimes bites hard. We stop her and say no ma'am. Which usually just makes her laugh. :) Noelle will play very well by herself and can entertain herself with toys and books. She follows Keegan's lead a lot, and will watch what he is doing and then copy him. Noelle also sleeps super well - 7 - 7. She takes a few minutes to squeak and fall asleep, but after that she is a great snoozer.
We dropped most bottles this past month, and will work toward dropping the morning and night bottles as we transition to whole milk this month.
Here is there schedule at 11 months:
Wake up: 6:45/7 am bottle
Breakfast: 8:30 am
Nap: Usually between 9:15-9:45 they are super cranky and need to go down for a morning nap
Sippy cup: 11:00 am
Lunch: Around 12:00/12:30
Nap: They are usually down for a nap somewhere in the range of 2pm – 4 pm
Sippy cup: Around 4 when they wake up from afternoon nap
Dinner: 5:45 pm
Bedtime: 7:00 pm bottle and night-night