Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hospital Bed Rest ----- What!!!!

How in the world did I end up here??? Haha. I went from easy, breezy twin pregnancy to WHAM BAM hospital bedrest. Here's the gist...

Last Monday (March 25) I woke up with horrible pains in my right side. I wrote about that little episode here. It went away though, and the week went on as normal. I did feel a little off - kind of puffy, nauseous, and just really pregnant. Didn't think much of it.

Thursday afternoon I went in for my normal weekly check-up. Thirty minutes later I was across the street in L&D at the hospital getting checked out. High blood pressure, swelling, and crazy reflexes had the doc concerned so he sent me for some blood work. I really still thought I'd be heading home shortly. Silly me. My labs came back with protein in urine, slightly elevated liver labs, and my blood pressure was still high. They admitted me "for the night" for observation.

Here I am 5 days later!! And I will be here until the bebes arrive!

I was diagnosed with mild to moderate preeclampsia. Luckily none of my labs or blood pressure have been way off, so as the doc says, I am just 'teetering' on the edge. Things are good as long as they stay as-is, but I guess with preeclampsia things can change quickly - so that's why they are keeping me here.

The NEW target baby date is next Friday, April 12th!!!! Woo hoo!!!! I will be 37 weeks, which is considered full-term for twins (and maybe all babies? I dunno). And at 37 weeks, they are much less likely to need NICU time than if they came earlier. So, that's my goal... lay in this hospital bed and keep these kiddos growing.

I'll be eating a lot too. The bebes weighed in at 5 lb 3 oz and 5 lb 6 oz yesterday, but I'd love to plump 'em up a bit more.

The hubs has been amazing, as usual. He has stayed up here with me every night; we've been watching season 1 of Revenge, and tonight we're moving onto Mad Men. Haha! This is the last week we will be able to lay around watching TV so guess we better take advantage of it. We've been blessed with flexible jobs, so as I sit here on my laptop approving AD creative and finalizing details of an Open House, he is sitting next to me working on customer reports and scheduling meetings. Although I'd much rather be at home, someone is definitely looking down on us!

My parents came up here on Saturday to hang out with us and spent the night at our house. It was much appreciated! They took Laila back to Houston, brought us dinners, and spent Easter morning chilling in the hospital with us. We are lucky to have so much amazing support from our families, and I know everyone is as anxious to meet the babies as we are.

Well, back to laying down I go!

Excited for tomorrow - since I can't make it to bible study, the girls are going to come up here and we'll have it in my hospital room. haha! Maybe I should order us a pizza.. yum! It's bad, but I am already tired of this hospital food. Although the grilled cheese is pretty legit.

I need to put more pics up here. I'm going to take a new bump pic tomorrow and try to upload some of my new camera photos as well.


Tess @ AModernSuburbanitesLife said...

glad to hear you are doing well! I was waiting for you to blog! and next Friday is soooo soon.

Marci @ a smile a day said...

Grilled cheese was Darce's fave too!